Top 10 Reasons For Back Pain

Degenerative Discs Disease (DDD)
The human spine is made up of more than 30 small bones called vertebrae.
Each vertebra are stacked one on top of the other and cushioned by a disc in between.
The disc is a spongy piece of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber which prevents the bony vertabra from grinding against each other.
As we age, these cushioning discs will shrink and wear away.
This condition is known as degenerative disc disease where a compromised worn out disc causes back pain.
The back pain specialist in Penang will examine to determine what are the main causes of DDD.
Degeneration in the spinal joints might be disturbing the mechanics of the spine.
Thinning and degenerative discs might be bulging and putting pressure on spinal nerves.
Lumbar Herniated Discs
A lumbar disc is filled with a jelly-like center which is rich in protein.
When the tough outer layer of the disc breaks or tears, the herniated portion of the disc will spill out causing inflammation when it irritates the surrounding nerves. The inflammation and nerve compression causes nerve root pain. As the disc wall has a rich supply of nerve fibers, a tear through the disc wall and compression on sensitive nerves will cause severe back pain. This is also called a Disc Tear.
Those looking for spinal adjustment Malaysia treatment can find relief with Gonstead chiropractic technique.

Normal wear and tear makes it hard for your joints and ligaments to keep your spine in proper position.
When a vertabra moves more than it should, it can slide forward over the bone below it which causes it to press or squeeze on your spinal cord or nerve roots.
This can cause back pain and numbness or weakness in one or both legs. Spondylolisthesis usually occurs in the lower spine area.
In certain cases, it can also lead to losing control of your bladder or bowels.
Spinal Stenosis
A narrowing of the spine space around the spinal cord can put pressure on the nerves.
The narrowing can occur in any of the regions of the spine which causes restriction to the spinal canal.
This results in a neurological deficit which can cause pain, numbness, paraesthesia and loss of motor control.
Paraesthesia is an abnormal sensation such as tingling, tickling, pricking, numbness or burning of a person's skin with no apparent physical cause.
Spinal stenosis can also be caused by bone spurs that have developed as a result of osteoarthritis.

It's a common form of arthritis. As we age, the nice spongy joint cartilage becomes thinner and not as compressible.
Some of the cartilage covering the ends of the bones gradually roughens and becomes thin and the bone underneath thicken.
The bone at the edge of your joint senses this and responds by generating little extra ridges of bone called osteophytes or bone spurs.
When these little ridges rub against each other, this mechanical irritation causes pain and stiffness especially in the hip, knee and thumb joints.
Facet Joint Syndrome
Facet joint syndrome is pain at the joint between two vertebra in your spine.
The facet joints are the joints in your spine that make your back flexible and enable you to bend and twist.
Nerves exit your spinal cord through these joints on their way to other parts of your body. Healthy facet joints have cartilage which allows your vertebrae to move smoothly against each other without grinding.
Each joint is lubricated with synovial fluid for additional protection against wear and tear. When your facet joints become swollen and painful due to osteoarthritis, it is called facet joint syndrome.

Vertebral Fractures
A vertebral compression fracture happens when the vertebra become compressed due to trauma or osteoporosis.
The trauma associated with vertebral fractures would be quite substantial to break the bones of the spine like a fall or an accident.
It could also be due to the weakening of the vertebra due to osteoporosis when the bones weaken which will lead to painful vertebra compression fractures.
When a bone in the spine collapses, it is called a vertebral compression fracture.
Walking, standing or lying down becomes painful.
Scoliosis is when the spine twists and curves to the side.
It can affect anyone of any age from babies to adults but most often it starts with children aged from 10 to 15 years old.
Curves are often S-shaped or C-shaped.
Scoliosis doesn't normally improve without treatment.
An abnormal curvature of the spine will cause back pain depending on the degree of the curvature.
If left untreated, the condition can lead to serious complications.
A back pain specialist in Penang who is a certified chiropractor will be able to assess and recommend the Gonstead chiropractic Malaysia treatment to address the spinal rigidity, re-position the spine and relieve nerve tension to treat scoliosis. Chiropractic treatment usually involves spinal adjustment or spinal manipulation to prevent further curvature by scoliosis and relieve any back pain.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
The sacroiliac joints are 2 cushioning, shock absorbing structures located below the lower back region of the spine and above the coccyx (known as the tailbone).
Each joint is located on either side of the spine and helps to carry the weight of the upper body.
These small, strong joints connect the sacrum with the pelvis and are typically surrounded by several ligaments.
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction begins when one or both of the joints become inflamed or irritated for a number of reasons and may continue to worsen.
Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve is an uncomfortable sensation or pain or numbness that is caused when increased pressure leads to irritation or damage to a peripheral nerve.
A peripheral nerve is one that is located outside the brain and spinal cord.
This condition is is often associated with back pain or neck injury.
Anything which increases pressure around a nerve can cause a pinched nerve.
Disc herniation or bulging discs and arthritis in the spine can cause pressure on nerve roots which leads to the pain or discomfort associated with a pinched nerve.
A spine specialist in Penang will be able to identify and treat not only pinched nerves but pain that is related to the spine.
This is usually done by manipulating the spine where the area of pinched nerve is located to relieve the pain. Spinal manipulation in Malaysia is gaining in popularity as more folks prefer non-surgical and drug-free approach to fix their back pain conditions.

These are the top 10 reasons for back pain that is affecting millions of people which can be treated non-surgically with the right kind of treatment.
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